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  1. 363 downloads

    FEMBoSA Charter We, the Heads of Election Management Bodies/Representatives of AFGHANISTAN, BANGLADESH, BHUTAN, INDIA, MALDIVES, NEPAL, PAKISTAN AND SRI LANKA; CONFIRMING our abiding faith in the objectives and principles of SAARC contained in the SAARC charter; RECOGNIZING that the Election Management Bodies of SAARC countries can benefit from one another’s experience and mutual cooperation and; REALIZING that such cooperation may be strengthened through a permanent common Forum of the Heads of Election Management Bodies of SAARC Countries; DO HEREBY AGREE to establish an organization to be known as the Forum of Heads of Election Management Bodies of SAARC Countries, hereinafter referred to as the Forum, with the following objectives, and institutional and other arrangements; Article-1 OBJECTIVES Objectives of the Forum shall be to: promote contact among the Election Management Bodies of the SAARC countries; share experiences with a view to learning from each other; and cooperate with one another in enhancing for capabilities of the Election Management Bodies towards conducting free and fair elections. Article-2 ORGAN OF THE FORUM The operational arm shall be the Council of the Forum of Heads of Election Management Bodies of SAARC countries. Article-3 COUNCIL The Council shall be the supreme authority of the Forum and comprise the Heads of the Election Management Bodies of SAARC Countries, or such other Election Commissioner/Member/ authorized representative as may be deputed by the Head of the concerned Election Management Body. The Council shall meet at least once a year in one of the Member countries selected, as far as possible, on the basis of alphabetical rotation; the place and dates to be determined by Council. The meetings of the Council will be held with all members attending. The Head of the Election Management Body of the Host Country shall be the Chair of the Council from commencement of the meeting to be commencement to the next, and will also discharge secretarial functions during this period. The Council shall; Approve the programmes of the Forum; Decide subjects for discussion in any Conference/ Meeting of the Forum; Consider and decide all matters concerning the Forum and Conduct of the Council; Frame Rules for the conduct of the business of the Forum; and Fix the date and venue of Conferences/ Meetings of the Forum. Adopt an acronym and Logo for the Forum, if possible by circulation. Article-4 FUNDING ARRANGEMENT FOR MEETINGS Expenses on local hospitality, logistic support and internal travel for any meeting of the Forum shall be borne by the Election Management Body hosting the meeting. Expenditure of on international travel shall be borne by the respective visiting delegations. Article-5 GENERAL PROVISION Decisions at all levels of the Forum shall be taken on the basis of unanimity; Bilateral and contentious issues should be excluded from the deliberation of the Forum. The agreement shall not affect the right of any of the Forum members to interact, cooperate or enter into MoU with other members of the Forum or any other organizations. Article-6 INTERACTION AND COORDINATION The Forum may establish and maintain relations with other regional and international Electoral Organizations. The Council, in agreement with the organizations concerned, shall determine the nature and forms of such relations; The chairperson, or a member EMB as decided by the Chairperson, will represent the Forum, at their own cost, in meetings of similar other associations or bodies, when invited. The members of the Forum will implement recommendations and decisions adopted by the Forum from time to time. Article-7 DISSOLUTION A member of the Forum may be leave the Forum after due written notification of its decision. The Forum may be dissolved by a resolution of the Council. Upon such dissolution, the Council shall further decide concerning the disposal of the assets and payment of liabilities if the Forum. In faith whereof We Have Set out Hands Hereunto. Done in New Delhi, on this the 1st Day of May the year Two Thousand Twelve.
  2. 266 downloads

    FEMBoSA Work Plan: 2015 - 2016 No Programme of Work Assigned Member State 1. Study on the current status of Campaign Finance; Organize Regional Seminar; Establish a Regional Research Network on Campaign Finance; Prepare the minimum requirements in the Member States Bangladesh Bhutan India 2. Study on the use of technology to conduct free and fair elections of EMBs; Prepare a Road Map on the way forward Bhutan The Maldives Nepal 3. Study on the autonomy and independence of the Member EMBs for strengthening democracy; Prepare common Minimum Requirements for the Region Nepal 4. Conduct a study on Media involvement, Media monitoring (including Social Media); Develop regulations in the Member States Nepal 5. Introduce Voter Education curriculum in schools; Expand inclusive electoral literacy Sri Lanka 6. Include gender equality in overall electoral processes in the Member States Bangladesh Bhutan India 7. Introduce measures to address Voter Registration among all sections of the society India Sri Lanka 8. Introduce systems to promote Voting Rights for citizens living out of the country India 9. Conduct capacity building programmes for officials in the Electoral Administration India 10. Introduce means of promoting Voter Education among females Bangladesh Nepal The Maldives 11. Publish the Sixth Meeting Report of FEMBoSA Sri Lanka 12. Publish Research Papers prepared by the Member States, Academics and Professionals Sri Lanka 13. Conduct the 7th meeting in 2016 on the theme: Technology for Credible Elections The Maldives 14. A comparative study on the Organizational Structures/Strategic Management Plan and functioning of the Election Commissions in the Member States Afghanistan The Maldives 15. Setting up of a mechanism of Members consisting of nominees of the respective EMBs; Civil Society and relevant political parties for resolving of disputes among stakeholders (i.e; Clearing House for dispute resolution) Sri Lanka
  3. 302 downloads

    The seventh meeting of Forum of Election Management Bodies of South Asia (FEMBoSA) was held from 02-04 August 2016 at Bandos Island Resort, Maldives. Member countries of the forum; Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka participated in the meeting. As decided on the previous FEMBoSA meeting, the theme for this year’s forum was “Technology for Credible Elections”.
  4. 313 downloads

    The 6th meeting of the Forum of Election Management Bodies of South Asia (FEMBOSA) was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 1st and 2nd of October 2015, attended by eight Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs) of South Asia on the theme: "Autonomy and Independence of EMBs": Recalling the objectives as envisaged in the Forum Charter and Thimphu Resolution of 2013 and Nepal Resolution of 2014 respectively; Reaffirming our commitment to ensure free and fair elections, promoting participatory and inclusive democracies; Accepting the inclusion and participation of eligible electors as the cornerstone of free and fair elections; Believing in the importance of Participation of Women for free and fair Elections; Recognizing the importance of autonomous and independent Election Management Bodies (EMBs) for strengthening democracy; Appreciating the efforts made in overcoming the challenges faced in conducting Free and Fair Elections in conflict scenarios; Acknowledging that constructive and pro-active media engagement is essential for credible elections; Realizing the necessity of considering the suggestions presented to FEMBoSA with regard to Disability Inclusive Elections in South Asia to the degree of EMBs capacity; Reiterating and noting the importance of engagement of young Voters in Democracy and the Impact of Social Media; Download file to view more
  5. 403 downloads

    The seventh meeting of Forum of Election Management Bodies of South Asia (FEMBoSA) was held from 02-04 August 2016 at Bandos Island Resort, Maldives. Member countries of the forum; Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka participated in the meeting. As decided on the previous FEMBoSA meeting, the theme for this year’s forum was “Technology for Credible Elections”.
  6. 348 downloads

    The 9th Meeting of Forum of Election Management Bodies of South Asia (FEMBoSA) was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 5-6 September 2018. The Heads of Electoral Management Bodies, Delegates, Representatives of 8 FEMBOSA countries attended the meeting. The main theme of the 911 meeting of FEMBOSA is "Transparency in Electoral Process & Engaging Electoral Stakeholders." Download File to view Dhaka Resolution
  7. 311 downloads

    Proposed Themes: 9th Meeting of Forum of Election Management Bodies of South Asia
  8. 468 downloads

    FEMBoSA Work Plan 2018-2019: 9th Meeting of Forum of Election Management Bodies of South Asia
  9. 302 downloads

    Agenda of 9th Meeting of Forum of Election Management Bodies of South Asia
  10. 328 downloads

    Resolution FEMBoSA Resolution was unanimously adopted on 25th September 2017 during the concluding Session of the eighth FEMBoSA meeting held in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. FEMBoSA members at their 8th meeting held in Kabul: Reiterating commitment to facilitating and conducting free and fair elections to strengthen democracy and accepting inclusiveness and participatory elections including women and engagement of young voters. Appreciating the efforts made in overcoming the challenges in elections, acknowledging the constructive and proactive media engagement and importance of strategic planning for EMBs. Reiterating the importance of autonomous and independent EMBs and strengthening democracy. Acknowledging the need for equal access of the voters including persons need special assistance for increasing public participation in elections. Accepting that the public awareness has a crucial role in conducting credible and acceptable elections. Knowing and targeting of specific voters’ groups and providing broad and comprehensive public awareness tools, for obtaining the confidence of the voters. Accepting challenges to women’s participation in the South Asia region, and that their participation guarantees the credibility and inclusiveness of the elections. Acknowledging the use of technology for various electoral processes ensuring the transparency and trust building. Accepting that simple procedures on making objections and complaints on the electoral process could facilitate better handling of the disputes in line with laws and regulations. Accepting the impartiality and professionalism of member countries’ EMBs on handling the electoral dispute resolution, ensuring the confidence and trust of the people on the election and EMBs. Resolved to: Implement the Work Plan as approved by the member EMBs in the Eighth Meeting of FEMBoSA. Conduct feasibility study for the establishment secretariat of FEMBoSA Cooperate in capacity building of the member countries. Host election visitor programs in their countries as feasible. Provide technical assistance as requested and as feasible. Share mechanisms on Election Dispute Resolution (EDR) among the member EMBs. Actively share knowledge in ICT tools and modules being used by the member EMBs and to develop standards for sustainable use of ICT in elections. Cooperate in developing evidence-based strategies for EMBs. Share the information among the EMBs through the www.fembosa.af web portal. Design and implement regional research projects. Place on record our gratitude to Dr.Nasim Zaidi of the CEC of India and Kazi Rakibuddin Ahmad CEC of Bangladesh for their yeoman services in nurturing FEMBoSA. Download file to view more
  11. 325 downloads

    Since the creation of FEMBo, annual meetings were held in Pakistan (2011), in India (2012), in Bhutan (2013), Nepal (2014) Sri Lanka (2015). And the last meeting held in Maldives (2016) in This meeting, it was decided to hold the eighth annual Meeting of FEMBoSA in Afghanistan. The agenda of the annual meetings are aimed to hold Discussions on important current topics relevant to Election management and electoral process, giving special attention to the region and decisions being taken on the Incoming chairperson of FEMBoSA and the hosting country of the next meeting. 8th annual meeting of FEMBoSA will be hosted by Independent election commission of Afghanistan in Kabul from 24 to 26th September 2017 on the themes: - Election and Dispute Resolutions; and - No Voter to be Left Behind
  12. 321 downloads

    FEMBoSA Stewardship Report 2018-19 by ECB
  13. 10th Annual meeting of FEMBoSA
  14. 10th Annual meeting of FEMBoSA
  15. 10th Annual meeting of FEMBoSA
  16. 10th Annual meeting of FEMBoSA
  17. 10th Annual meeting of FEMBoSA
  18. 10th Annual meeting of FEMBoSA
  19. 10th Annual meeting of FEMBoSA
  20. 10th Annual meeting of FEMBoSA
  21. 10th Annual meeting of FEMBoSA
  22. 10th Annual meeting of FEMBoSA
  23. 322 downloads

    FEMBoSA Work Plan-2020 (Common Theme for Work Plan: Use of Technology) NO. Tasks EMB Remarks 1. Use of technology for Voter Awareness and Registration Afghanistan -Approved at the 10th FEMBoSA meeting on 24 Jan 2020 at New Delhi. 2. Use of technology in election management Bangladesh 3. 1. Use of technology for enhancing transparent, accessible and inclusive voting 2. To Host 11th annual meeting of FEMBoSA Bhutan 4. 1. Establish and maintain a permanent official web-portal for FEMBoSA; 2. Use of technology in Capacity Building programmes for member EMBs India 5. Use of technology for improving efficiency and credibility of elections Maldives 6. Use of technology to improve capacity of Stakeholders in the election process Nepal 7. Use of technology in media monitoring including social media in elections Sri Lanka Theme approved for the next FEMBoSA meeting: ‘Use of Technology in Elections’
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