At the first meeting of the representatives of Election Management Bodies of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Pakistan held in Dhaka, Bangladesh in the year 2010, it was decided at the conclusion that an organization representing those countries should be established. Consequently, the Annual General Meetings of the Organization were held in the member countries and the charter for the organization also was adopted with the aim of fulfilling the objectives of the organization (Forum of Election Management Bodies of South Asia- FEMBoSA).
The member countries of the FEMBoSA are the Election Management Bodies of South Asia countries namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Since the creation of FEMBoSA, Annual Meetings were held in Pakistan (2011), in India (2012), in Bhutan (2013), in Nepal (2014), in Sri Lanka (2015), in Maldives (2016), in Afghanistan (2017) and in Bangladesh(2018). The 10th annual meeting of FEMBoSA was last hosted by Election Commission of India in New Delhi 24 on January 2020.
Significant Activities of FEMBoSA
Member organizations celebrate National Voter's Day in a calendar year in their respective countries Initiative of establishing South Asia Institute for Democracy and Electoral Studies (SAIDES) in Nepal In order to increase knowledge related to elections, take initiatives to include voter education in the school-level textbooks of their respective countries Implementation of recommendations of South Asian Disabilities Organizations for the inclusion of disabled people in the electoral system and the creation of suitable election environment The initiative of establishing FEMBoSA Secretariat has been taken
The Agenda of the Annual Meetings are aimed to hold discussions on important current topics relevant to Election Management and Electoral Process, giving special attention to the region and decisions were taken on the incoming Chairperson of FEMBoSA and the hosting country for the next meeting. At every meeting, a separate session was held to evaluate the previous year’s activities of the organization as well as for planning the next year’s activities.
Apart from holding the Annual Meetings the high level officials of the Election Management Bodies of the region are given opportunities to enhance their experiences and skills through training programs and Election Observation Missions during the Election periods.
In 2013, Banglaesh Election Commission prepared the logo.
Justification of Logo