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Stewardship Report 2015-2016

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Stewardship Report by Sri Lanka (2015-2016)

The Commissioner of Elections of the Department of Election of Sri Lanka, assumed the Chair of Forum of Election Management Bodies of South Asia ( FEMBoSA) at the Sixth Forum meeting held at Hotel Galadari in Colombo , Sri Lanka on 1st and 2nd October, 2015 on the theme “Free and Fair Election - Pride of Nation”.
This report covers the FEMBoSA work plan and activities carried out by member EMBs for the period starting from October 2015 to August 2016.The EMBs assigned to carry out these tasks have done an excellent job in this regard. Due to some inconvenience encountered in communication, heavy work load or lack of time or for any other reason or reasons, the EMBs would not have been able to communicate, complete or carry out such tasks the way they had planned. I hope that all EMBs of FEMBoSA would still find time to collaborate and to continue carrying out these tasks in future.


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