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FEMBoSA 6th Meeting Resolution

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The 6th meeting of the Forum of Election Management Bodies of South Asia (FEMBOSA) was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 1st and 2nd of October 2015, attended by eight Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs) of South Asia on the theme: "Autonomy and Independence of EMBs":

Recalling the objectives as envisaged in the Forum Charter and Thimphu Resolution of 2013 and Nepal Resolution of 2014 respectively;

Reaffirming our commitment to ensure free and fair elections, promoting participatory and inclusive democracies;

Accepting the inclusion and participation of eligible electors as the cornerstone of free and fair elections;

Believing in the importance of Participation of Women for free and fair Elections;

Recognizing the importance of autonomous and independent Election Management Bodies (EMBs) for strengthening democracy;

Appreciating the efforts made in overcoming the challenges faced in conducting Free and Fair Elections in conflict scenarios;

Acknowledging that constructive and pro-active media engagement is essential for credible elections;

Realizing the necessity of considering the suggestions presented to FEMBoSA with regard to Disability Inclusive Elections in South Asia to the degree of EMBs capacity;

Reiterating and noting the importance of engagement of young Voters in Democracy and the Impact of Social Media;

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