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The Forum of Election Management Bodies of South Asia


11th FEMBoSA Meeting

On behalf of Election Commission of Bhutan, H.E. Major General Vetsop Namgyel, Ambassador of Bhutan to India accepted FEMBoSA Logo from Shri Sushil Chandra for Election Commission of Bhutan assuming the role of new Chair of FEMBoSA 2021-22

  • Rules and Procedures


    Part One- General

    1. These Rules of Procedure framed under Article-3 (d) (iv) of the Charter of the Forum of Election Management Bodies of South Asia, shall apply to the annual Meeting of the Forum of Election Management Bodies of South Asia (FEMBOSA), established by Charter, signed on 1st of May 2012, by the Heads of Election Management Bodies (EMBs). Representatives of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
    2. The Meetings of FEMBOSA, referred hereafter as the Forum Meeting, shall be held annually, unless otherwise decided at a Forum Meeting.
    3. The hosting of the Meetings of FEMBOSA shall be normally rotated amongst the Member EMBs in English alphabetical order.
    4. The Head of the host EMB shall take over as the Chair of the FEMBOSA at the Forum Meeting, and be responsible for the discharge of all functions and matters related to the FEMBOSA until handing over to the next EMB at the subsequent Forum Meeting.
    5. In case a member EMB is unable to host a Meeting, it should be immediately communicated to the Chair who shall then invite the next EMB in the alphabetical listing to host the Meeting and accordingly inform all the other member EMBs.

    Part Two- Forum Meeting Agenda

    1. The provisional agenda for each meeting shall be drafted by the host EMB and circulated to the other Members after receipt of the incumbent Chair’s concurrence.
    2. Matters which have been brought to the attention of the Chair or any other member EMB or which the FEMBOSA had previously decided to defer in previous Meetings may be included in the provisional agenda.
    3. The Chair or the Head of the host EMB may also circulate specific topics on elections and electoral management to be chosen by the member EMBs to be presented at a meeting, which shall be duly included in the provisional agenda.
    4. Such communication may be made at least two months before the meeting with the notice of the Meeting and member EMBs shall respond with topic for presentation at least one month before the Meeting and presentation document transmitted at least two weeks before the Meeting.
    5. The first item of the provisional agenda for each meeting shall be adoption of the agenda.
    6. Any item on agenda of a Meeting, consideration of which has not been completed at that meeting, shall, unless otherwise decided, automatically be included in the agenda of the next Meeting.

    Part Three- Representation

    1. The meetings shall be ordinarily represented by the Heads of the member EMBs, unless communicated in advance of the inability to attend the Meetings, in which case, the representative(s) nominated to attend the meetings must be made known to the host EMB at the earliest and no later than two weeks before the meeting.
    2. The Heads of the member EMBs may be accompanied by a delegation of not more than two officials, excluding the spouses of the Heads of the EMBs.
    3. The Meetings shall only be attended u the registered delegates of the member EMBs except for the Inaugural Session to which the host EMB may invite guests as deemed appropriate.

    Part Four- Chair

    1. The Office of the Chair of the FEMBOSA and the Forum Meetings shall be held in turn by the Heads of the member EMBs in the English alphabetical order of the names of the Member countries, with the host EMB taking over the Chair until handing over at the next Meeting.
    2. The Chair shall:
      1. Preside over the Forum Meeting.
      2. Represent the FEMBOSA, as may be required, at any regional or international forum or upon request to the FEMBOSA, lead Election Observation Teams on behalf of the FEMBOSA; and
      3. Guide and assist in the preparation of the Forum Meeting.

    Part Five- Secretariat

    1. The Secretariat of the FEMBOSA shall be in the host EMB, and the Head of the Secretariat of the best EMB shall be the ex-officio Secretary of the FEMBOSA Secretariat authorized to act in that capacity. The Secretary may authorize a deputy to act in his/her place.
    2. The Secretary shall be responsible for the preparation of documents required by the FEMBOSA, as well as the documentation of records of the Forum Meetings.

    Part Six- Conduct of Forum Meetings

    1. In the Forum Meetings, the Chair shall conduct the proceedings related to the overall matters of the FEMBOSA.
    2. The technical sessions shall be chaired in turn by all Heads of Delegations of the Member EMBs.
    3. The proposed resolutions, amendments and/or substantive motions shall normally be placed before the member EMBs in writing.
    4. Any decision on a motion or resolution in the meetings shall be by way of vote of all Heads of Delegations present and taken on the basis of unanimity.

    Part Seven- Language

    1. English shall be both the official and the working Language of the Fembosa and its meetings.
    2. If a Head of a member EMB is unable to address in English in the Forum Meetings, it shall be translated and interpreted in English. In this case, the said member EMB shall provide for interpretation in English.
    3. All Records, resolutions and matters related to the FEMBOSA and its meetings shall be in English.

    Part Eight- Finalisation Process of Records and Publicity

    1. The records of Meetings shall be made available to the member EMBs within two weeks following the conclusion of the Forum Meetings.
    2. The member EMBs shall inform the Secretary of any corrections they wish to have made in the records within a month after the records have been made available.
    3. Corrections that have been requested shall be considered approved unless the Chair is of the opinion that they are sufficiently important to be submitted in the next Meeting. In such cases, the Secretary shall communicate the opinion of the Chair in writing to all Heads of the member EMBs.
    4. The records in which no corrections have been requested in the period of time provided or which have been corrected shall be considered as approved. It shall be signed by the Chair and shall become the official record of the FEMBOSA.
    5. The official record of the Meetings, as well as the documents annexed thereto, shall be published in English as soon as possible, and circulated to the member EMBs by the Chair.
    6. The approved resolutions and records of the Meetings may be given due publicity and shared with the general public as deemed appropriately by a member EMB.

    Part Nine- Miscellaneous

    1. All presentations made in the Forum Meetings may be given due publicity and shared with the general public as deemed appropriate by a member EMB.
    2. The host EMB and the Secretariat shall be responsible to arrange the logistics and meet all local costs for a Meeting, unless otherwise indicated by any member EMB.

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